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Message from the Observer


Hello, my name is Henry-Jackson Tebo, and I am the Executive Director for ICT Global Link, a non-profit organization based in Tokyo, Japan. I lead "ICT in Education" effort to foster commitment to learners that will promote computer education, pro-social friendships, strong Interpersonal Skills, and reassert a sense of hope in the future for learning in Africa and ASEAN.
As a noted social entrepreneur and business consultant, I founded ICT Global Link to address the educational challenges facing learners in Africa. I helped managing the access to ICT in education in Africa and ASEAN in a number of schools and community centers. I continue to be passionate about issues of "ICT in Education" and the inclusive youth transformation of Africa.
I hold a MBA in Global Leadership Development from Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, NUCB Graduate School, a first class BBA in International Business Administration from Management College of Southern Africa and numerous certificates from U.S. Department of State, Young African Leaders Initiative, Bureau of International Information Programs, Washington DC.
Youths in the Republic of Cameroon like many others in developing countries face challenges like youth unemployment and limited access to ICT in education. As being of significantly higher importance than any other problems, irrespective of age, gender or race. I appreciate the chance to discuss these significant issues from an African (Cameroonian) perspective with young active delegates from around the world.
I am looking forward to utilizing my strengths as a social entrepreneur to contribute, motivate and inspire delegates and other participates at the Y7 summit.
Henry-Jackson Tebo



Capital 首都: Yaounde
Area 面積475,442 sqkm
Popuation 人口: 22.5 million
Language 言語: French and English
GDP (PPP) 国内総生産: $76.895 billion
Head of State 首脳: HE Paul Biya 
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