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Message from the U.S. Delegation

Greetings from the United States delegation! It is our honor to participate in this year's Y7 Summit in Japan. We are excited to be joining fellow global leaders to engage deeply on critical issues facing our generation.
As we look ahead to meeting in May, we are motivated and inspired by the many young people working tirelessly around the world to promote peace and stability. The Y7 Summit provides a platform for these and other youth voices to be heard at the highest levels of government. We welcome this opportunity to amplify their messages and work with our fellow delegations to develop real solutions to persisting global challenges.

Members of U.S. Delegation


Frances HOLUBA

Alexandra KERR



United States of America



Young Americans for Diplomatic Leadership
Capital 首都Washington D.C.
Area 面積9,857,306 sqkm
Popuation 人口: 322.4 million (0-30: 39.3%)
Language 言語: English
GDP (PPP) 国内総生産: $17.419 trillion
Head of State 首脳: HE Barack Obama
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